Annoying things
Millennials who speak with a croaky voice, it’s either an affectation or a lack of effort.
Urban density zealots. They insist the housing crisis must be solved by infill and tall buildings and they abhor and ridicule the option of creating new suburbs. High density in Western Australia is so wrong: all but one of WA's cities sit on a hot glary windy west coast. High density reduces the tree canopy, covers the ground and fills the sky with cement, forces people to stay inside, cramps them into little spaces, separates them from nature. Meanwhile the disadvantages of creating new suburbs have disappeared: people now work from home or locally and rarely work in the CBD. People don't now travel far for shopping, they do it over the internet or at a nearby shopping centre. We have plenty of land around our metropolitan areas and won’t encroach on farming land, an issue in smaller countries. Greenbelts in outer suburbs protect nature and let people experience and value and protect it. Bigger blocks allow for greenery and better lifestyle, and for building houses with eaves and verandas. The remaining objection to new suburbs is the cost of infrastructure; it was once a function of the government to build infrastructure for new subdivisions and this should be so again.
Ed Sheeran’s insistence that his swimming pool was a pond (it had a diving board).
Uplifting Things
Millenials' gentility and lack of greed, which is good for the earth.
Bunnings, Officeworks and the Dome: businesses that just get it right. (I hold no financial interest).
The emergence of Kamala Harris. Of course she has been invisible, it was her job. Harry S Truman, a good President, was unknown as Vice President.